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Intern Reflections: Wellness Wednesdays by Michael Carlos Kennedy Jr

On the first Wellness Wednesday, we did yoga and some stretching. It was fun and relaxing too! It felt good because I got to stretch out my body and everything. We did a little meditation too. My body felt great and relieved after. I haven't done any yoga since the pandemic started so this was a great start for me. Hopefully, we can do the yoga session again next Wednesday. The best part about it was that I got to do it with my Co-workers/ friends.

The next Wellness Wednesday, we did Arts and Crafts. It started a little awkward because this girl Aaleah had the nerve to ask if my mom's boyfriend was my boyfriend, I was cracking up like "why would I date a 50-year-old man?" But yeah we did some Arts and Crafts, Ishara was painting a colorful picture, Aaleah was coloring in a coloring book, and I was making a vision board for someone special in my life. While we were doing our crafts, we talked about online predators, how they can sometimes harm us mentally and emotionally, and how we can stay safe online.

We also talked about how getting into relationships at a young age can sometimes get in the way of your life. Staying safe from online predators is important because let's be real, you might think that you're talking to a very cute and attractive boy or girl with an amazing, dope personality when really, you end up talking to a dried-up old man or a desperate, decrepit housewife with nothing good going for herself. But all jokes aside, please stay safe online everybody. I think what Wellness Wednesday is about is coming together as a family, spending time together, and getting to know each other a lot more as Co-workers and friends. Being the only Youth Intern there, I don't look at Ezsquire, Aaleah, and Ishara as just people I work with, I look at them as my role models and friends. I really enjoy doing Wellness Wednesday and hopefully, we can have more in the future.

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